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News Briefs Page
Press Releases 
October 04, 2024 – August 12, 2012
Second Anniversary
On Friday, October 04, 2024, Most Reverend Michael Cuozzo, OFE, observed his second anniversary consecration as bishop ordinary of the Order of Franciscans of the Eucharist.
Also, Most Reverend Rouville M. Fisher III, OFE, observed his second anniversary appointed Auxiliary Bishop of the Order of Franciscans of the Eucharist.
Memorial Eternal Sister Patricia Cuozzo , OFE, OFES
Posthumously Awarded OFE Membership
On Saturday, September 14, 2024, the Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross, the Most Reverend +Michael Cuozzo, OFE, Bishop of the Roman Catholic Order of Franciscans of the Eucharist, posthumously awarded (Memorial Eternal) Sr. Patricia Cuozzo, OFE, OFES, RN, BS, MS, DD., membership in the Order of Franciscans of the Eucharist (OFE).
Sister Patricia was the foundress of the Order of Franciscans of the Eucharist Secular (OFES) for Roman Catholic laypeople and wives of married Roman Catholic priests. 
She was a Board Member, Secretary, and Treasurer of the Order of Franciscans of the Eucharist, Inc. and the Abbey of Saint Mary Theotokos, Inc., and Editor of the United in Spirit: OFE Newsletter.
Bishop-Elect Very Reverend William Seuffert, FHDM
Editor of the United in Spirit: OFE Newsletter
On Monday, August 19, 2024, the Most Reverend +Michael Cuozzo, OFE, Bishop of the Roman Catholic Order of Franciscans of the Eucharist,​ appointed, Bishop-Elect Very William Seuffert, FHDM, ​editor of the United in Spirit: OFE Newsletter.  
The Children’s Movement of California
On Friday, August 9, 2024, the Abbey of Saint Mary Theotokos, Inc., received as a member of The Children’s Movement of California ® . 
The Children’s Movement of California is demonstrating unprecedented support for children’s issues both in numbers and diversity from communities across California. By speaking in one voice on behalf of children, The Children’s Movement of California builds the necessary pressure to move the needle on children’s health, education, and welfare policies.
Abbey of Saint Mary Theotokos, Inc.
Awarded the Candid GuideStar Bronze Seal of Transparency
On Saturday, May 11, 2024, the Abbey of Saint Mary Theotokos, Inc. awarded the 2024 Candid GuideStar Bronze Seal of Transparency. 
Candid supports nonprofits with information, resources, training, and data to find funding opportunities. Candid offers a common online profile that can be updated, for free, by any tax exempt organization. When the organization claims its nonprofit and earn a Seal of Transparency. 
The specific purpose of this corporation is to relieve the suffering of humanity. The Abbey of Saint Mary Theotokos, Inc. is a qualified tax-exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the USA Internal Revenue Code.  ​
International Conference of Catholic and Autocephalous Bishops (ICCAB)
Established December 14, 2023
On Thursday, December​ 14, 2023, the Most Reverend +Michael Cuozzo, OFE, and the Most +Reverend Rouville M. Fisher, III, OFE, bishops of the Order of Franciscans of the Eucharist (OFE), and Most Reverend +Angelo Carlo Casali of the Ecumenical Fraternity of Mercy (EFM), are co-founders of the International Conference of Catholic and Autocephalous Bishops (ICCAB). 
The International Conference of Catholic and Autocephalous Bishops (ICCAB) is an assembly of the hierarchy of bishops who jointly exercise pastoral functions on behalf of the Christian faithful.
Interested in ICCAB membership email +Michael, OFE.​ Click Here
Logo Designed by Most Rev. Angelo Carlo Casali 
Very Reverend W.W. Augustus Dilkushan Fernando, OFE
Minister Provincial of the Province of St. Benedict
On Monday, November 13, 2023, the Most Reverend +Michael Cuozzo, OFE, Bishop of the Roman Catholic Order of Franciscans of the Eucharist, appointed the Very Reverend W.W. Augustus Dilkushan Fernando, OFE, Minister Provincial for the Province of Saint Benedict in the European Continent. St. Benedict is the patron of all of Europe. The Minister Provincial exercises general supervision over all the members in his province.
Province of Saint Benedict
Established November 13, 2023
On November 13, 2023, the Bishop of the Order of Franciscans of the Eucharist established a new province. The name of the province will be the Province of Saint Benedict in the European Continent.
The division of a religious institute into provinces is generally along geographical lines, and may consist of one or more countries, or of only a part of a country.
First Anniversary of Episcopal Ordination
Doctor of Divinity (DD) Degree Awarded
The first anniversary of the Episcopal Ordination of the Most Reverend +Michael Cuozzo, OFE, Bishop of the Roman Catholic Order of Franciscans of the Eucharist, on

Wednesday, October 04, 2023, the Memorial of Saint Francis of Assisi, awarded the Doctor of Divinity (DD) degree upon the the Most Reverend Michael Cuozzo, OFE, Most Reverend Rouville M. Fisher, III, OFE, DD, Very Reverend George Adusei-Bobsu, OFE, DD, Very Reverend Noel Clarke, OFE, DD, Very Reverend W.W. Augustus Dilkushan Fernando, OFE, DD, Very Reverend Terence M. McDonough, OFE, DD, Very Reverend Aneesh Jacob (Sebastian) Puthenpurackal,OFE, DD, Very Reverend Abel Makahamdze, OFE,​ DD, Very Reverend Max M. Zapanta, OFE, DD, Very Reverend William Seuffert, FHDM, DD, Reverend Akos Konya, SFU, DD, and Most Rev. Angelo Carlo Casali, DD. 

The ecclesiastical Doctor of Divinity (DD) degree is awarded to members of the clergy in recognition of noteworthy contributions to the order and the lives they touched all bear witness to your level of faithfulness to the Lord Jesus Christ.
Interested in the Doctor of Divinity (DD) Degree Click Here
Appointments of Deans of Academic Affairs
Doctor of Divinity (DD) Degree  Program
On Wednesday, October 04, 2023, on the Memorial of Saint Francis of Assisi and the first anniversary of the Episcopal Ordination of the Most Reverend +Michael Cuozzo, OFE, Bishop of the Roman Catholic Order of Franciscans of the Eucharist, ​appointed the Most Reverend Michael Cuozzo, OFE, Dean of Academic Affairs of the Doctor of Divinity Degree Program and the Most Reverend +Rouville M. Fisher, III, OFE, Assistant Dean of Academic Affairs.  
The ecclesiastical Doctor of Divinity (DD) degree is awarded to members of the clergy in recognition of noteworthy contributions to the order and the lives they touched all bear witness to your level of faithfulness to the Lord Jesus Christ.
Interested in the Doctor of Divinity (DD) Degree Click Here
Abbey of St. Mary Theotokos Order of Franciscans of the Eucharist Logo Trademark
On September 08, 2023, the United States Patent and Trademark Office granted a trademark to the ​Abbey of St. Mary Theotokos Order of Franciscans of the Eucharist
Memorial Eternal Sister Patricia Cuozzo ,OFES
Posthumously Awarded the Doctor of Divinity (DD) Degree
On Wednesday, April 20, 2023, the Most Reverend +Michael Cuozzo, OFE, Bishop of the Roman Catholic Order of Franciscans of the Eucharist posthumously awarded the Doctor of Divinity (DD) degree upon Sr. Patricia Cuozzo, OFES, RN, BS, MS, DD. 
Very Reverend Aneesh Jacob (Sebastian) Puthenpurackal ,OFE
Minister Provincial of the Province of Saint Alphonsa
On Thursday, January 12, 2023, ​the Most Reverend +Michael Cuozzo, OFE, Bishop of the Roman Catholic Order of Franciscans of the Eucharist, appointed the Very Reverend Aneesh Jacob (Sebastian) Puthenpurackal, OFE, Minister Provincial for the Province of Saint Alphonsa in the Asian Continent. The Minister Provincial exercises general supervision over all the members in his province.
Very Reverend Abel Makahamadze, OFE  
Minister Provincial of the Province of St. Charles Lwanga and His Companions
On Thursday, January 12, 2023, ​the Most Reverend +Michael Cuozzo, OFE, Bishop of the Roman Catholic Order of Franciscans of the Eucharist, appointed the Very Reverend Abel Makahamadze, OFE, Minister Provincial for the Province of Saint Charles Lwanga and His Companions in the African Continent. The Minister Provincial exercises general supervision over all the members in his province. 
Province of Saint Charles Lwanga and His Compannions
and the Province of Saint Alphonsa
Established January 12, 2023
On January 12, 2023, the Bishop of the Order of Franciscans of the Eucharist established two provinces. The names of the provinces will be the Province of Saint Alphonsa in the Asian Continent and the Province of Saint Charles Lwanga and His Companions in the African Continent.
The division of a religious institute into provinces is generally along geographical lines, and may consist of one or more countries, or of only a part of a country.
Honorific Title of Very Reverend Conferred
On Monday, November 14, 2022, the Most Reverend +Michael Cuozzo, OFE, Bishop of the Roman Catholic Order of Franciscans of the Eucharist conferred an honorific title of Very Reverend upon Very Reverend George Adusei-Bobsu, OFE, Very Reverend Noel Clarke, OFE, Very Reverend W.W. Augustus Dilkushan Fernando, OFE, Very Reverend Terence M. McDonough, OFE, Very Reverend Abel Makahamdze, OFE,​ Very Reverend Aneesh Jacob (Sebastian) Puthenpurackal, OFE, Very Reverend Max M. Zapanta, OFE, and Very Reverend William Seuffert, FHDM.
Reverend Max M. Zapanta, OFE  
Minster Provincial of OFE
On Tuesday, November 07, 2022, ​the Most Reverend +Michael Cuozzo, OFE, Bishop of the Roman Catholic Order of Franciscans of the Eucharist (OFE), appointed the Reverend Max M. Zapanta, OFE, Minister Provincial for the Province of Saint Mary Theotokos​  in the North American Continent. The Minister Provincial exercises general supervision over all the members in the North America Continent.
Most Reverend +Rouville Fisher, III, OFE
Auxiliary  Bishop of OFE
On Tuesday, October 04, 2022, the Feast of Saint Francis of Assisi, ​the Most Reverend +Michael Cuozzo, OFE, Bishop of the Roman Catholic Order of Franciscans of the Eucharist (OFE) appointed the Most Reverend Rouville M. Fisher III, OFE, Auxiliary Bishop of the Order of Franciscans of the Eucharist. The auxiliary bishop works in harmony with the Ordinary.

Episcopal Ordination of the Very Reverend Michael Cuozzo, OFE

On Tuesday, October 04, 2022, the Feast of Saint Francis of Assisi, ​the Minister General Very Reverend Michael Cuozzo Elected-Bishop of the Roman Catholic Order of Franciscans of the Eucharist (OFE) ordained bishop by the Most Reverend +Dermot P. Rodgers, Bishop of the Mission Province of Saint Peter of Rome in the Roman Catholic Church, at the Saint Paul’s Episcopal Cathedral Holy Family Chapel, San Diego, California, USA.
Coat of Arms Designed by Most Rev. Angelo Carlo Casali
Most Reverend +Michael Cuozzo, OFE
Coat of Arms
Order of Franciscans of the Eucharist Objective
On Wednesday, July 13, 2022, the OFE Board of Directors and Council meeting convened for the approval of the Amendments to the General Constitutions. The Objective of the Order was approved.
Guided by the grace of the Holy Spirit we are called to achieve the Objective of the Order:
“Clerics, whatever their condition, are to care in their heart for all of the Churches, and therefore to serve her wherever there is great necessity; let them show willingness, especially with the permission or encouragement of their own eparchial bishop or superior, to exercise their ministry in the missions or in regions laboring under a shortage of clergy.” (1990 Code of Canons of Oriental (Eastern) Churches, Canon 393)
The Order of Franciscans of the Eucharist objective is achieved when our religious    order and/or priests are recognized and/or incardinated into a participating Eastern Ecclesia which is in union with Rome. The priest and his wife shall then, per Eastern Canon 393, be loaned to a Roman Catholic Diocese which is experiencing a shortage of priests.
Memorial Eternal Sr. Patricia Cuozzo Memorial Centre
Kitale, Kenya East Africa 
Planning phase of the Sr. Patricia Cuozzo Memorial Centre founded on April 20, 2022, at Kitale, Kenya, East Africa. It was registered and a Certificate of Registration was granted in accordance with the provisions of the Registration of Business Names Act and Rule there under.
The Sr. Particia Cuozzo Memorial Centre will house the Sr. Patricia Cuozzo Children’s Hospital, the Bishop Michael Cuozzo Medical Training Centre, and the Saint Mary Theotokos Chapel. 
The Co-Directors of the Sr. Patricia Cuozzo Memorial Centre are the Most Reverend Godfrey Siundu Wasike, Stella Nangila Siundu, and the Most Reverend Michael Cuozzo, OFE. 
Most Reverend ++Archbishop Eric M. Gagnon, SFU
Sanctification of Families Union of Saint of Assisi (SFU) Member
On Saturday, March 19, 2022, Most Reverend ++Archbishop Eric M. Gaghnon received as a member of the Sanctification of Families Union of Saint Francis of Assisi (SFU). The Union is an international confraternity of prayer and ministry. It is comprised of priests, pastors, brothers, sisters, and laity from all religious traditions who commit to prayer for the sanctification of families and of married Roman Catholic priests. 
He is founder of the Franciscan Abbey of the Immanuel Communion of Love and the Third Order of Saint Francis Ministry​.
Mr. Johnbosco Mario Onyedikachukwum Michael Okwor, OFES
OFES Member
Johnbosco Mario Onyedikachukwum Michael Okwor became a professed secular Franciscan of the Order of Franciscans of the Eucharist Secular on Thursday, December 2, 2021. His religious name is Brother Johnbosco. His home parish is Saint Patrick’s Roman Catholic Church, Enugu, Nigeria, West Africa.
Brother Johnbosco, OFES, is a member and Secretary of the Franciscan Friars of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Third Order Regular (TOR) the Province of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Nigeria, West Africa. He is a student at St. John Cross Seminary, Nsukka, Nigeria.
Very Reverend Michael Cuozzo, OFE 
Coat of Arms Designed by Most Rev. Angelo Carlo Casali
Rev. Michael Cuozzo, OFE

Mass of Christian Burial was Celebrated for Sr. Patricia Ann Cuozzo, OFES

On Tuesday, April 20, 2021, at 3:00 PM, a private Mass of Christian burial celebrated for Patricia Ann (Morris) Cuozzo, at Saint Peter’s Roman Catholic Church of Liberty, New York, USA. The presiding minister was her husband Very Reverend Father Michael Cuozzo, OFE.
Dedication Ceremony of Sister Patricia Cuozzo Memorial Girl’s Hostel
On Wednesday, January 20, 2021, the Saint Lawrence Children’s Center and Saint Lawrence and Margarita Dosal School Orphanage, dedicated the Sister Patricia Cuozzo Memorial Girl’s Hostel, Kitale, Kenya, East Africa. The presiding minister at the dedication was Archbishop ++Godfrey Wasike Siundu and members present was his wife Stella Siundu, senior Government officials from the Ministry of Education, Board Members and other community stakeholders.
The Center has been transforming communities and saving children since 2003. Its mission is to empower vulnerable and orphaned children in all areas of education to become responsible future citizens and leaders.
We Mourn the Death of Sister Patricia Ann (Morris) Cuozzo, OFES
+ May She Rest In Eternal Peace +
Sister Patricia Ann (Morris) Cuozzo, OFES, died Tuesday, December 1, 2020, in Corona, California, USA.
Sister Patricia was the foundress Sistof Order of Franciscans of the Eucharist Secular (OFES) for Roman Catholic laypeople and wives of married Roman Catholic priests. She was received as its first professed secular Franciscan of the Order.
She was a Board Member, Secretary, and Treasurer of the Order of Franciscans of the Eucharist, Inc. and the Abbey of Saint Mary Theotokos, Inc., and Editor of the United in Spirit: OFE Newsletter.

Sister Patricia retired as a registered nurse ten years ago after a 44-year career working at a large Southern California Hospital.

She the wife of Abbot Father Michael Cuozzo+, OFE. They enjoyed a happy, loving marriage and a priestly couple for over 27 years, which anchored by their Catholic faith, support of married Roman Catholic priests and laity, devotion to the Blessed Mother Holy Theotokos Saint Mary, and care of orphan children.
Reverend Akos Konya, SFU
Sanctification of Families Union of Saint Francis of Assisis (SFU)
On Thursday, January 30, 2020, Reverend Akos Konya received as a member of the Sanctification of Families Union of Saint Francis of Assisi (SFU). The Union is an international confraternity of prayer and ministry. It is comprised of priests, pastors, brothers, sisters, and laity from all religious traditions ​who commit to prayer for the sanctification of families and of married Roman Catholic priests.
Pastor Akos Konya is married, the father of two sons, and is the pastor of a Presbyterianchurch in Miskole, Hungry, Europe. Miskolc is a city in northeastern Hungary, known for its heavy industry. Miskolc is the fourth largest city in Hungary.
Province of Saint Mary Theotokos
Established  September 14, 2019
On the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, Saturday, September 14, 2019, the Minister General of the Order of Franciscans of the Eucharist established its first province. The name of the province will be the Province of Saint Mary Theotokos in the North American Continent.
The division of a religious institute into provinces is generally along geographical lines, and may consist of one or more countries, or of only a part of a country.
Order of Franciscans of the Eucharist (OFE)
Established August 24, 2019
On the Feast of Saint Bartholomew, Saturday, August 24, 2019, the Minister General established the Order of Franciscans of the Eucharist, for married (or widowed) and celibate Roman Catholic priests.
Mr. Avwerosuoghene Josephmary Goru, OFES
OFES Member
Mr. Avwerosuoghene Josephmary Goru became a professed secular Franciscan of the Order of Franciscans of the Eucharist Secular (OFES) on Thursday, July 25, 2019, Feast of Saint James, Apostle. His religious name is Brother Josephmary.
Brother Josephmary is a parishioner at Sacred Heart Roman Catholic Cathedral of the Diocese of Warri, Delta, Nigeria, West Africa. He’s a student studying for a Bachelor of Science degree at Tansian University a private Christian university.
Brother Ude Michael Francis Stephen, OFES
OFES Member
Brother Michael Francis Stephen became a professed secular Franciscan of the Order of Franciscans of the Eucharist Secular on Thursday, May 23, 2019. His religious name is Brother Michael Francis Stephen.
He is a parishioner at Saint Mark’s Roman Catholic Church of the Diocese of Awgu, Enugu State, Gnugu, Nigeria, West Africa. He has a Bachelor of Science degree in Philosophy from Tansian University and an Ordinary National Diploma from the Federal College of Agriculture.
Brother Michael Francis Stephen is a professed member of the Missionary Sons of Mother Mary (MSMM). It is an Institute of apostolic religious life whose members take the three public vows of obedience, poverty and chastity.
Reverend Friar Abel Makahamadze, OFE
OFE Member
Reverend Father Abel Makahamadze became a professed Franciscan Priest and Brother of the Order of Franciscans Ecumenical (OFE) on Friday November 30, 2018. Furthermore, on Saturday, August 24, 2019, he became a professed member of the Order of Franciscans of the Eucharist (OFE).​ His religious name is Brother John of the Cross. Abbey of the Redeeming Christ will be the name of his abbey.
OFE Logo Copyright
On August 01, 2018, the United States Copyright Office granted a copyright to the Order of Franciscans of the Eucharist (OFE) logo.  
Logo Designed by Most Rev. Angelo Carlo Casali
Order of Franciscans Ecumenical, Inc.
Incorporated January 5, 2018
Renamed Order of Franciscans of the Eucharist, Inc. December 20, 2022
On the Feast of Saint John Neumann, Bishop, Friday, January 5, 2018, the Order of Franciscans Ecumenical, Inc., incorporated as a non-profit religious corporation. The sole purpose of this corporation is to minister to celibate and married Roman Catholic priests and laity. This corporation is organized and operated exclusively for religious purposes within the meaning of Internal Revenue Code section 501(c)(3).
Reverend Friar W.W. Augustus Dilkushan Fernando, OFE
OFE Member
On Tuesday, September 5, 2017, Memorial of Blessed Teresa of Calcutta, Religious, Reverend Father W.W. Augustus Dilkushan Fernando, became a professed Franciscan Friar and Brother of the Order of Franciscans Ecumenical (OFE). Furthermore, on Saturday, August 24, 2019, he became a professed member of the Order of Franciscans of the Eucharist (OFE).Father Fernando’s religious name is Brother Dilkushan which has a meaning of happy heart. 
Reverend Fernando was ordained to the diaconate and presbyterate by Right Reverend Dr. Vianney Fernando to serve a missionary religious congregation of Sylvestro Benedictine (OSB) in Sri Lanka. The name of his friary will be Our Lady of Lank. 
Most Reverend Friar Rouville M. Fisher+, III, OFE
OFE Member
Most Reverend Father Rouville M. Fisher, III became a professed Franciscan Friar and Brother of the Order of Franciscans Ecumenical (OFE), on Thursday, April 20, 2017. Furthermore, on Saturday, August 24, 2019, he became a professed member of the Order of Franciscans of the Eucharist (OFE) Bishop Rouville’s religious name is Brother John Paul, in honor of Pope John Paul II. The name of his abbey will be Abbey of the Incarnation.
Reverend Friar Terence M. McDonough+, OFE
OFE Member
Reverend Terence M. McDonough became a professed Franciscan Friar and Brother of the the Order of Franciscans Ecumenical (OFE), on March 9, 2017. Furthermore, on Saturday, August 24, 2019, he became a professed member of the Order of Franciscans of the Eucharist (OFE).His religious name is Brother Arnold. The name of his Abbey is Our Lady of Knock Abbey.
Sanctification of Families Union of Saint Francis of Assisi (SFU)
Established July 11, 2016
On Monday, July 11, 2016, the Order of Franciscans of the Ecumenical established the Sanctification of Families Union of Saint Francis of Assisi (SFU). The Union is an international confraternity of prayer and ministry. It is comprised of priests, pastors, brothers, sisters, and laity from all religious traditions who commit to prayer for the sanctification of families and of married Roman Catholic priests.
Abbot Father Michael Cuozzo, OFE
Pastorate Opportunity
On Monday, May 2, 2016, Memorial of Saint Athanasius, Abbot Father Michael Cuozzo, OFE offered an opportunity to pastor an Italian-Greek (Eastern) Catholic Mission, a Byzantine Greek Catholic Rite that is in union with the Bishop of Rome. Though geography prevents acceptance of this position, it was an honor to be invited, as well as a welcome reflection of acceptance of married priesthood.
Reverend Friar Aneesh Jacob (Sebastian) Puthenpurackal, OFE
OFE Member
Reverend Father Aneesh Jacob (Sebastian) Puthenpurackal became a professed Franciscan Brother of the Order of Franciscans Ecumenical (OFE) on Sunday, March 27, 2016. Furthermore, on Saturday, August 24, 2019, he became a professed member of the Order of Franciscans of the Eucharist (OFE).His religious name is Brother Sebastian. Abbey of Saint Alphonsa will be the name of his abbey.
Doctor Richard P. Baldi, OFES
OFES Member
Doctor Richard P. Baldi became a professed member of the Order of Franciscans of the Eucharist Secular (OFES) on Friday, February 12, 2016. He is a member of the Immaculate Conception Roman Catholic Church, Maryland, USA. 
Reverend Friar Noel M. Clarke, OFE
OFE Member
Reverend Father Noel became a professed Franciscans Friar and Brother of the Order of Franciscans Ecumenical (OFE) on Tuesday, January 19, 2016. Furthermore, on Saturday, August 24, 2019, he became a professed member of the Order of Franciscans of the Eucharist (OFE).His religious name is Brother Martin. Saint Brigit will be the name of his Friary. 
Reverend Friar Max M. Zapanta, OFE
OFE Member
On Friday, September 11, 2015, Reverend Father Max Zapanta became a professed Franciscans Friar and Brother of the Order of Franciscans Ecumenical (OFE). Furthermore, on Saturday, August 24, 2019, he became a professed member of the Order of Franciscans of the Eucharist (OFE).Father Max’s religious name is Brother Cyril. The name of his Abbey will be the Abbey Saint Therese Lisieux, California, USA.
Order of Franciscans Ecumenical Secular (OFES)
Established November 13, 2015
Renamed Order of Franciscans of the Eucharist Secular (OFES) December 13, 2022
On the Memorial of Saint Francis Xavier Cabrini, Friday, November 13, 2015, Order of Franciscans Ecumenical established the Order of Franciscans Ecumenical Secular (OFES) for Roman Catholic laypeople and wives of married Roman Catholic priests.
Patricia Ann (Morris) Cuozzo was the foundress of OFES and was received as its first professed secular Franciscan of the Order on the same day. Her religious name is Sister Frances.
She is the wife of Abbot Father Michael Cuozzo, OFE. 
Order of Franciscans Ecumenical Website
Established December 25, 2015
On the Nativity of the Lord, Friday, December 25, 2015, Order of Franciscans Ecumenical launched its new website forming an international Franciscans religious order. 
Very Reverend Michael Cuozzo, OFE
Appointment Abbot General and Abbot
On Friday, October 4, 2013, Feast of Saint Francis of Assisi, Very Reverend Michael Cuozzo has been appointed for the Order of Franciscans Ecumenical as Abbot General and Abbot of the Abbey of Saint Mary Theotokos. 
Very Reverend Michael Cuozzo, OFE
OFE Member
On Tuesday, August 13, 2013, the Very Reverend Father Michael Cuozzo became a professed Archpriest and Brother of the Order of Franciscans Ecumenical (OFE). Furthermore, on Saturday, August 24, 2019, he became a professed member of the Order of Franciscans of the Eucharist (OFE). His religious name is Brother Francis.
Order of Franciscans Ecumenical
Established October 4, 2011
Renamed Order of Franciscans of the Eucharist December 20, 2022
On the Memorial of Saint Francis of Assisi, Tuesday, October 4, 2011, Father Michael Cuozzo established the Order of Franciscans Ecumenical.
Abbey of Saint Mary Theotokos
Established August 12, 2011
On Friday, August 12, 2011, celebration of Saint Jane Francese de Chantal, Father Michael established the Abbey of saint Mary Theotokos. 
Copyright © 2015 – 2024 All Rights Reserved. Order of Franciscans of the Eucharist is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation.