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Our Mission Statement

The mission statement of the Order of Franciscans of the Eucharist is to minister to celibate and married [and/or widowed] Roman Catholic priests and laity by offering them a welcoming home, support, acceptance, affirmation of their marriages, and validation of their lives and ministries. It also supports efforts to restore married priesthood to Roman Catholic Church.

Our Goals Our Mission Statement 

We seek out laborers and advisors for our mission. We voice our story. We await a college of bishops to rise to oversee our mission. We seek to openly serve the Roman Catholic Church and minister within Roman Catholic ecclesiastical jurisdictions.

Our Objective

“Clerics, where their condition, are to care in their heart for all of the Churches, and therefore to serve her wherever there is great necessity; let them show willingness, especially with the permission or encouragement of their own eparchial bishop or superior, to exercise their ministry in the missions or in regions laboring under a shortage of clergy.” (1990 Code of Canons of Oriental (Eastern) Churches, Canon 393)
The Order of Franciscans of the Eucharist objective is achieved when our religious order and/or priests are recognized and/or incardinated into a participating Eastern Ecclesia which is in union with Rome. The priest and his wife shall then, per Eastern Canon 393, be loaned to a Roman Catholic Diocese which is experiencing a shortage of priests. [In doing so we would use the Eastern Catholic Church as a channel for former Roman Catholic priests who were wanting to get back into priestly service.]

Our Mission

Welcome married [and widowed] Roman Catholic priests; Provide the People of God the Eucharist; Have married Roman Catholic priests available to Roman Catholic bishops; Affirm the marriages and lives of married Roman Catholic priests; Provide a home and support for married Roman Catholic priests through acceptance, communications, and ongoing activities of the Order. Welcome celibate Roman and Eastern Catholic priests in good standing in the Roman Catholic Church to serve as brothers; and Support efforts of members, other clergy, and laity in their efforts to restore married priesthood to the ecclesiastical jurisdiction of the Roman Catholic Church.

Our Charisms

Recognition of the primacy of our Lord Jesus Christ; Inspiration from the spirituality of Saint Francis of Assisi; Reverence for creation; Dignity of human persons; Support of family unity; Compassion; Peacemaking; Service; Community; Simplicity; and
Welcoming married [and widowed] and celibate Roman Catholic priests and laity. 

Our Apostolic Works

Sanctification of families; and Blessing of married Roman Catholic priests.

Our Rule of Life

When Jesus was asked, “Teacher, which commandment in the law is the greatest?” He said to him, “You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and the first commandment. The second is like it: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself. The whole law and the prophets depend on these two commandments.” (Matthew 22:36-40) 
He also said, “No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” (John 15:13)
We are to live a life of commitment to our Lord Jesus Christ and to serve him faithfully.

We are to acclaim the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ and the study of the Scriptures.We are to keep the Eucharist and the Gospel at the center of our lives. We are to acquire knowledge and inspiration of the Franciscan spirituality of our patron Saint Francis of Assisi.We are to infuse our daily life with compassion, service, community, simplicity, reverence for creation, dignity of human persons, peacemaking, prayer, and support of family unity.We are to welcome celibate and married Roman Catholic priests and laity.We are to be respectful to Popes, Patriarchs, Bishops, Abbot Generals, Minister Generals, and members of our Order.​

The Two Branches of Order of Franciscans of the Eucharist

The first branch is the Order of Franciscans of the Eucharist (OFE). Comprised of priests who are married [widowed], as well as celibate Roman Catholic priests who were ordained by a Roman Catholic bishop. Celibate Roman Catholic priests will function as brothers in the Order.

The second branch is the Order of Franciscans of the Eucharist Secular.  The Order is for Roman Catholic LAYPEOPLE and WIVES of married Roman Catholic priests.​  Members are called to live the Franciscan “Rule of Life” and to assist OFE to accomplish its goals, objective, mission, charisms, and apostolic works for married Roman Catholic priests.

Why do priests have friaries or abbeys not churches?

Community members of the Order of Franciscans of the Eucharist set up home-based friaries or abbeys to minister to celibate and married [widowed] Roman Catholic priests and laity by offering them a welcoming home, support, acceptance, affirmation of their marriages, and validation of their lives and ministries. It also welcomes laity who support married and celibate priests. The friary or abbey is a place where members are called to live out the Franciscan “Rule of Life” and to assist OFE to accomplish its mission, goals, apostolic works, and charism. The friary or abbey is where all are welcome to celebrate Eucharist, other sacraments, and where they live a community life.
Friaries or abbeys are self-governing, with friars and brothers supporting themselves and their ministries with secular, church-related, and/or church employment and adhere to the tentmaker tradition of the Apostle Paul, the “modern” term is bi-vocational priest.  

Sanctification Families Union of Saint Francis of Assisi (SFU)

The Sanctification of Families Union of Saint Francis of Assisi is an international confraternity of prayer and ministry of the Order of Franciscans of the Eucharist, Order of Franciscans of the Eucharist Secular, and Abbey of Saint Mary Theotokos, Inc. It is comprised of priests, religious and laity from all religious traditions who commit to prayer for the sanctification of families and of married Roman Catholic priests.

Order of Franciscans of the Eucharist Ecclesiastical Affiliation Charters 

We establish Ecclesiastical Affiliation Charters with monasteries, abbeys, churches, hermitages, religious orders, congregations, missions, archdioceses, and dioceses to help them fulfill their respective missions. Each charter will operate independent, maintaining their current system of disciplines and teaching. They accept the authority of the Order of Franciscans of the Eucharist over all matter of Faith and Practices. The charter member may not legally or financially obligate the Order of Franciscans Ecumenical in anyway. 
Order of Franciscans of the Eucharist Ecclesiastical Affiliation Charter Membership Application Form: Click Here
 Order of Franciscans of the Eucharist Ecclesiastical Affiliation Charter Membership Application UPDATE Form: Click Here

Doctor of Divinity Degree Program Ministry

The Bishop Michael Cuozzo, OFE,  and the Auxiliary Bishop Rouville M. Fisher, III, OFE, of the Order of Franciscans of the Eucharist and by virtue of the authority vested in them, confer upon applicants who are distinguished to be awarded a Doctor of Divinity (DD) Degree, with all the Honors, Rights, and Privileges.


Most Reverend Michael Cuozzo, OFE, MA, MDiv, DD, STD, PhD, DD
Dean of Academic Affairs
Most Reverend Rouville M. Fisher, III, OFE, BS, MDiv, DD
Assistant Dean of Academic Affairs
The ecclesiastical Doctor of Divinity (DD) Degree is awarded to members of a religion in recognition of noteworthy contributions and the lives they touched. 

Requirement for the Doctor of Divinity Degree: Ordination from an organized religion; copies of ordination certificate or letter; copies of curriculum vitae or résumé; humanitarian charity donation of $100.00; and Doctor of Divinity Ministry Application.

Doctor of Divinity Degree Program Ministry Information Link: Click Here

International Conference of Catholic and Autocephalous Bishops (ICCAB)

The International Conference of Catholic and Autocephalous Bishops (ICCAB) is an assembly of the hierarchy of bishops who jointly exercise pastoral functions on behalf of the Christian faithful. 

The mission work of the International Conference of Catholic and Autocephalous Bishops (ICCAB) shall be the propagation and defense of the Faith and in service as the visible sign and expression of the Unity of the Church.
International Conference of Catholic and Autocephalous Bishops Detail Information Link: Click Here
Membership Protocols
Order of Franciscans of the Eucharist Protocol: 
 Married Roman Catholic priests are priests who married after ordination in the Roman Catholic Church.  A priest is always a priest: “sacred ordination never becomes invalid.” (Canon 290)​​​  “Like Melchizedek, you are a priest forever.” (Psalm 110:4)
Order of Franciscans of the Eucharist Video Program:
Membership: Order of Franciscans of the Eucharist Membership Protocol:
Order of Franciscans of the Eucharist Membership Application: Click Here
Why do priests have friaries or abbeys not churches?
Community members of Order of Franciscans of the Eucharist set up home-based friaries or abbeys to minister to celibate and married Roman Catholic and Catholic priests and laity by offering them a welcoming home, support, acceptance, affirmation of their marriages, and validation of their lives and ministries. It also welcomes laity who support married and celibate priests. The friary or abbey is a place where members are called to live out the Franciscan “Rule of Life” and to assist OFE to accomplish its mission, goals, apostolic works, and charism. The friary or abbey is where all are welcome to celebrate Eucharist and other sacraments.
Friaries or abbeys are self-governing, with friars and brothers supporting themselves and their ministries with secular, church-related, and/or church employment and adhere to the tentmaker tradition of the Apostle Paul, the “modern” term is bi-vocational priest​.
Order of Franciscans of the Eucharist Secular Protocol​:
We are pleased to announce that we have established the Order of Franciscans of the Eucharist Secular for Roman Catholic laypeople and wives of married Roman Catholic priests.
We welcome Roman Catholic laity who are called to live the Franciscan “Rule of Life” and to assist the Order to accomplish its goals, mission, charism, and apostolic works for married Roman Catholic priests. 
Order of Franciscans of the Eucharist Secular Video Program:
Membership: Roman Catholic Laity Membership Protocol: Video Click Here
Order of Franciscans of the Eucharist Secular Membership Application:

Order of Franciscans of the Eucharist Ecclesiastical Affiliation Charter Protocol:

We establish Ecclesiastical Affiliation Charters with abbeys, churches, hermitages, religious orders, congregations, monasteries, archdioceses, dioceses, and ministry organizations to help them fulfill their respective missions.
Each charter member will operate independently, maintaining their current system of disciplines and teachings.
They accept the authority of the Order of Franciscans of the Eucharist over all matters of Faith and Practices.
The charter member may not legally or financially obligate the Order of Franciscans of the Eucharist​ in anyway.
Order of Franciscans of the Eucharist Ecclesiastical Affiliation Charter Membership Application Form: Click Here
Order of Franciscans of the Eucharist Ecclesiastical Affiliation Charter Membership UPDATE Form: Click Here 

Sanctification of Families Union of Saint Francis of  Assisi Protocol: 

“In leading family life and in educating children married clergy are to show an outstanding example to other Christian faithful.” (Cf. 1990 Code of Canons of Oriental Churches, Canon, n. 375)
The Sanctification of Families Union of Saint Francis of Assisi is an international confraternity of prayer and ministry of the Order of Franciscans of the Eucharist, Order of Franciscans of the Eucharist Secular, and Abbey of Saint Mary Theotokos, Inc.  It is comprised of priests, religious and laity from all religious traditions who commit to prayer for the sanctification of families and of married Roman Catholic priests.
Membership Application: Click Here 
Note: “…many elements of sanctification and of truth” are found
outside the visible confines of the Catholic Church: “The written
Word of God; the life of grace; faith, hope, and charity, with the
other interior gifts of the Holy Spirit, as well as visible elements.”
Christ’s Spirit uses these Churches and ecclesial communities as
means of salvation, whose power derives from the fullness of grace
and truth that Christ has entrusted to the Catholic Church. All these blessings come from Christ and lead to him, and are in themselves
calls to “Catholic unity.” (Cf. Catechism of the Catholic Church, n. 819)

Doctor of Divinity Degree Program Ministry

The Bishop Michael Cuozzo, OFE and the Auxiliary Bishop Rouville M. Fisher, III, OFE, of the Order of Franciscans of the Eucharist and by virtue of the authority vested in them, confer upon applicants who are distinguished to be awarded a Doctor of Divinity (DD) Degree, with all the Honors, Rights, and Privileges.


Most Reverend Michael Cuozzo, OFE, MA, MDiv, DD, STD, PhD, DD
Dean of Academic Affairs
Most Reverend Rouville M. Fisher, III, OFE, BS, MDiv, DD
Assistant Dean of Academic Affairs
The ecclesiastical Doctor of Divinity (DD) Degree is awarded to members of a religion in recognition of noteworthy contributions and the lives they touched. 

Requirement for the Doctor of Divinity Degree: Ordination from an organized religion; copies of ordination certificate or letter; copies of curriculum vitae or résumé; humanitarian charity donation of $100.00; and Doctor of Divinity Ministry Application.

Doctor of Divinity Degree Program Ministry Information Link: Click Here

International Conference of Catholic and Autocephalous Bishops

The International Conference of Catholic and Autocephalous Bishops (ICCAB) is an assembly of the hierarchy of bishops who jointly exercise pastoral functions on behalf of the Christian faithful.

The mission work of the International Conference of Catholic and Autocephalous Bishops (ICCAB) shall be the propagation and defense of the Faith and in service as the visible sign and expression of the Unity of the Church.
International Conference of Catholic and Autocephalous Bishops Detail Information Link: Click Here 
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